Building Tomorrow Together: Agency Collaboration & Ed R&D


In an era of rapid technological advancement, collaboration is proving key to fostering innovations that can keep up with the 21st century. From dedicated AI institutes to supporting apprenticeships for a changing workforce, partnerships across federal agencies are leveraging resources, expertise, and data to address complex challenges in education and to build a robust research and development ecosystem. Join this session to learn more from leaders in government and academia on how cross-agency collaboration is shaping the future of education research and development.

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  1. Understand why cross-agency collaboration is critical in driving innovative solutions and improving student learning experiences.
  2. Learn about existing partnerships across agencies that are driving research and innovation and making a difference for students.
  3. Hear about opportunities for greater cross-agency collaboration to strengthen the education research and development ecosystem.



Tasha Hensley, Policy Director, The Learning Agency

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, partnerships
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Policy & Advocacy
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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