SXSW 2025

The Crisis or Hope of Global AI Governance?


As the hype around generative A.I. and other automated decision-making reaches a fever pitch, there is the question of how to govern those technologies for the common good. Even as the governments of the major world powers clamor for an “A.I. arms race” many marginalized and global communities are quietly working together to figure out creative, innovative, and humane ways to govern A.I. and deploy it for benefits for humanity. This panel brings together industry insiders and AI ethicists to providesa clear-eyed approach towards harnessing the positive potential of A.I. technologies.

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  1. Distinguish between the hype of AI and its actual and true potential
  2. Examine and critically reflect on ethical and human rights issues associated with the development and deployment of AI technologies
  3. Hear concrete existing examples & cases of community AI governance & other ways that AI has been harnessed for the benefit of marginalized communities



Ifeoma Ajunwa, Associate Dean, Director, Professor, Emory University

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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