SXSW 2025

Ethical Compensation Models for an AI-Powered Music Industry


The music industry is undergoing a sonic revolution. AI is rapidly transforming music creation, distribution, and consumption. While exciting, this shift raises a crucial question: how can we ensure artists are ethically compensated in this evolving landscape?Join the Head of Audio for Kits.AI, Kyle Billings, for a thought-provoking presentation that will explore ethical AI-based compensation models for artists in the music industry. Delve into the current challenges and discover innovative solutions that empower artists and ensure they are fairly rewarded for their creativity.

Other Resources / Information


  1. AI for Fair Streaming Royalties: Can AI help artists get paid what they deserve? Discover how AI can create fairer payouts in the age of streaming.
  2. Unveiling Ownership in AI Music: If AI creates music, who gets paid? Learn strategies for ensuring artists are fairly rewarded in AI collaborations.
  3. Direct Fan Power with AI: Skip the middleman! Explore how AI empowers artists to connect with fans & earn directly through micropayments.


  • Kyle Billings, Head of Audio,


Emily Solt, Publicist, rock paper scissors inc

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Music & Tech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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