Innovating Education: Real World Learning & Career Pathways


Schools and systems need concrete strategies to re-engage students and families and make good on the promise of school. This panel delves into innovative approaches that make learning more relevant and engaging by sharing innovative approaches that introduce students to future careers and develop durables skills that will serve tham beyond graduation. Panelists will share examples including programs that expose students to diverse career pathways; combine human-centered design, entrepreneurship, and engineering; and give students opportunities to apply their learning to real-world challenges.

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  1. Attendees will learn about innovative programs being implemented to develop durable skills in students and prepare them for future pathways
  2. Attendees will receive advice on how to build and implement programs that develop durable skills
  3. Attendees will gain insights into current research about the efficacy of virtual, hybrid, and in-person models to engage kids in school meaningfully



Jin-Soo Huh, Partner, The Learning Accelerator

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