Igniting Talent: Building Sustainable Career Paths


Ignite Nebraska is on a mission to transform the landscape of talent across the state of Nebraska by equipping individuals with the skills, support and opportunities they need to succeed.

Ignite Nebraska works to solve these challenges facing community members and businesses by:

Providing a path for people to pursue a new career, facilitating inter-generational change by helping families build financial stability
Enabling employers to build a diverse talent pipeline
Advancing workforce equity by opening the door to career opportunities that were previously inaccessible

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  1. How to work with local organizations, nonprofits and community connections to get connected to untapped talent.
  2. How to work with education partners to ensure career-aligned curriculum and training gets participants ready.
  3. The critical nature of navigator support, employer partners and guaranteed job placement.



Cris Hay-Merchant, VP, Communications & Community Initiatives, Bellevue University

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