Learning Acceleration for All: Scaling Core Innovations


Leaders from the Accelerating Adoption Network will share insights from scaling high-quality, virtually-supported learning acceleration strategies that are creating durable change to instruction, including an AI-powered teacher assistant, virtual PBL for microschools, and a cognitive assessment tool for personalizing instruction. Learn how these innovations are scaling to new contexts to accelerate learning for students traditionally furthest from opportunity. Gain practical insights on implementation, including overcoming challenges across new contexts and creating lasting impact at scale.

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  1. Discover scalable, tech-enabled strategies for accelerating learning and closing achievement gaps within core instruction.
  2. Learn how to implement and scale innovative approaches to increase equity and improve outcomes, especially for students furthest from opportunity.
  3. Gain practical insights on overcoming challenges and creating lasting impact when scaling learning acceleration efforts.



Nate Kellogg, Partner, The Learning Accelerator

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, implementation
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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