SXSW 2025

How much is a life worth?


Imagine small towns in Brazil where, with an innovative method, a team of researchers demonstrated that the presence of medical schools prevented the deaths of over 28,000 people. When it came time to value this impact, a question emerged: How much is a life worth? One prominent method is the Statistical Life Value, a concept widely used in health economics research. However, these studies are still scarce in countries like Brazil. Join us in this timely conversation, where experts will share insights on impact assessment and the ethical implications of assigning a monetary value to human life

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  1. Importance of retaining physicians in vulnerable regions: how medical schools in small towns significantly impact public health.
  2. Challenges in Social Impact Assessment and Valuation: Despite quality data and methods, how the lack of universal standards makes it challenging.
  3. Ethical Implications in Valuing Human Life: Presenting the OCDE's recent SLV meta-analysis results and philosophical perspectives.


  • Damien Dussaux, Principal Administrator: Risk Reduction, GLP & Mutual Acceptance Data, Chemical Accidents, OECD
  • Peter Singer, Professor, Princeton University
  • Stella Brant, CMO, Afya


Wal Flor, CEO, Flow.Ers Agency

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Government & Civic Engagement
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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