Border Spaces & Care in Migrant Mental Health


The border is a significant space. Profound numbers of people are crossing borders, and the adversity faced during migration increases mental health risks. Yet, little attention has focused on the liminal space of border crossings and its impacts. Our panel proposes an in-depth examination of these effects and the partnerships necessary to create spaces of care at borders and beyond, through education, research, policy, and practice. Policymakers, scholars, and practitioners will discuss innovative strategies highlighting equity and accessibility.

Related Media


  1. Education: Showcase educational initiatives that equip youth, communities and stakeholders with tools to support migrants effectively.
  2. Mapping: Explore mental health, migration and border research from leading universities and organizations like the PanAmerican Health Organization/WHO
  3. Innovation: Offer actionable strategies for resilient systems adaptable to meet the diverse needs of migrants through training and capacity building.



Alesha Cid-Vega, Bilingual Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Technical Specialist, The New School for Social Research

Meta Information:

  • Tags: community impact, mental health
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Accessibility & Inclusion
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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