SXSW 2025

Should I Buy Weed From A Dispensary or Grow Weed At Home


Danny and Kyle dive deep into the Pros and Cons.
Kyle is Stallworth in his attempt to get everyone on Earth to Grow Your Own Stone
Danny is convinced, and justifiably so, that dispensaries fill a necessary void for those who can’t, or just choose not too. Plus, there are many commercial operators that grow some of THE FINEST CANNABIS.

We plan to cajole each other initially for being so steadfast in our positions. But, after a short while, a few one liners with stereotypical assertions about each options dark side, we let everyone in on the fact that our culture absolutely needs both.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information
A recent episode of my weekly podcast Grow Weed At Home With Kyle Kushman


  1. Can I, should I grow my own Sharing from 35 years personal experience, you can easily grow your own Cannabis at home. Cost, equipment, space required.
  2. I choose to buy from a dispensary. What questions to ask for the best experience. Technical breakdown of products available and how to consume them.
  3. Dispensary bought, or grow your own. We support either decision. Supporting commercial and homegrowers is paramount to a healthy cannabis culture.



Kyle Kushman, Brand Spokesman,

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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