Using XR to Build Community & Close the Digital Divide


E4 Youth's What Once Was (WOW) XR storytelling platform explores issues of gentrification and helping to close the digital divide. This panel will explore the impacts of training and employing college-aged BIPOC youth to capture and curate the oral histores of residents of the first neighborhood in Austin Texas that was planned and built by Black professionals. - Rogers Washington Holy Cross. What impact does feeling seen and heard in this way have on members of the senior community? How does researching these stories impact the youth creating them and the larger community experiencing them?

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  1. Attendees will gain insights on how to leverage storytelling to build stronger communities and improve education, health and wealth outcomes.
  2. Attendees will gain insights on how to foster intergenerational collaborations between area nonprofits, schools and employers.
  3. Attendees will identify resources to help them capture and curate their own community oral histories.



Carl Settles, Founder/Executive Director, E4 Youth

Meta Information:

  • Tags: community impact, storytelling
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area Convergence
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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