Turning Today's Afterschool Workers into Tomorrow's Teachers
Afterschool employees are a goldmine of ideal but overlooked teacher candidates with real-world experience. These candidates often mirror the diverse demographics of their students and come from marginalized backgrounds where they face barriers to higher education. This panel will present landscape data on afterschool to teacher pathways and explore innovative strategies, including employer-based supports, formal apprenticeships for AA completion and online college programs supporting teacher credential candidates while continuing to serve youth. Join us as we imagine the future of teaching.
Related Media
- An overview of the teacher shortage across many different schools districts and charter schools and major factors contributing to it
- Understanding of how personalized supports for afterschool staff can offer work-based experience and expedite degree completion readying them to teach
- Examples of partnerships that can coordinate supports and work across systems to better support educators in training
- Julee Brooks, CEO, Woodcraft Rangers
- Aleah Rosario, Co-CEO, Partnership for Children and Youth
- Jeff Manassero, CEO, Rivet School
- kourtney andrada, Senior Director of School-Based Programs, Girls Inc. of Alameda County
Julee Brooks, CEO, Woodcraft Rangers
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