Future Spark: Personalized Career Exploration for Middle Sch


Middle schoolers seek learning experiences that are meaningful and connected to their lives and future goals. With 87% wanting to match their skills and interests to careers, early career exploration is essential. NFTE’s Exploring Careers program offers a comprehensive framework for educators to engage students, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and the skills needed for success in the innovation economy. Join our panel of educators and experts to explore strategies for helping students uncover passions, recognize strengths, and align them with career opportunities.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Practical strategies for integrating career exploration into the middle school curriculum
  2. Techniques to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and critical career skills in students
  3. Tools and resources to help students align their interests and strengths with future careers



Denise Berkhalter, National Director of Communications, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

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