SXSW 2025

Copy, Paste, Sue: The Tangled Web of AI and Copyright


Delve into the complex interplay between burgeoning AI technologies and existing copyright frameworks. Peter Csathy and Curt Doty explore the current legal battles shaping the future of digital creativity, highlighting key cases and controversies that could redefine intellectual property rights in the age of AI. As AI systems become more capable of producing artistic and literary works, the question of ownership becomes murkier. They will dissect real-world scenarios where AI collides with copyright law, discussing the implications for creators, companies, and consumers.

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  1. Understanding Legal Challenges and Copyright Evolution: The audience will gain insights into how the legal landscape is evolving with the advancement
  2. Clarity on Ownership and Authorship: Attendees will explore the murky question of ownership in AI-produced artistic and literary works. They will unde
  3. Implications for Creators, Companies, and Consumers: The audience will analyze the broader implications of AI's intersection with copyright law for cr



Curt Doty, Founder, RealmIQ

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Fireside Chat
  • Track: Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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