SXSW 2025

Can Forensic Science Enhance Equity?


Fostering authentic inclusive research is key for ensuring a fair, equitable, and effective criminal justice system. Yet, for too long, many researchers have failed to engage with the communities who are most impacted, and in the process, failed to understand the full context of an issue or implications of their findings. This panel will highlight the intersection between science, justice, and equity, featuring practitioner, research, and victims’ advocacy perspectives, including advancements in forensic science technology that have had a positive impact on serving diverse populations.

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  1. Innovation in scientific research can promote greater equity, but both research and practice must be approached with an equity lens.
  2. Researchers need to address issues of equity during the development of new techniques rather than after the fact.
  3. Researchers must translate the evaluations of new technologies for the public, law enforcement, and courts to get it in use in the field.



Jill Thomas, Communications Director, NIJ

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Government & Civic Engagement
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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