The Challenge of AI Literacy: Redefining Future Learning


In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, defining AI literacy has become a critical task for educators, administrators, and policymakers. The presentation examines essential competencies, regulatory influences (EU vs. US), and the role of AI companies in shaping the future of learning. It addresses broader ethical challenges posed by AI, emphasizing the importance of AI literacy for responsible engagement across all aspects of society. The discussion will further explore strategies for integrating AI into curricula, equipping future generations to effectively navigate AI advancements.

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  1. Explore AI literacy's critical role in shaping the future of learning and broader societal engagement.
  2. Explore AI literacy's crucial role in shaping the future of learning and broader societal engagement.
  3. Discuss strategies for integrating AI into educational curricula, and preparing faculty and students for future AI advancements.


  • Maya Georgieva, Senior Director, Innovation Cenrer, AI, XR and Quantum Labs, The New School


Maya Georgieva, Senior Director, Innovation Cenrer, AI, XR and Quantum Labs, The New School

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