SXSW 2025

Artists in Games - What Works?


Gaming has 3.5B global players and intense loyalty and fandom. Can music artists break in games? Can artists develop new fans? Do these fans engage outside of the game? What does in-game monetization look like for artists beyond the sync license -- virtual merch, emotes, and? We are entering an era of creativity and convergence of tech around music experiences, games, and virtual worlds. We need an equal amount of innovation in how artists and gaming engage fans together, and build successful practices to all artists. Join us and learn from key players who are deep in music and gaming.

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  1. The video game market is ripe for experimentation and new business models built around engagement.
  2. There is much more to gaming engagement than just the sync license - consider the license the first step
  3. We are moving beyond audio streaming into creative expression in games and virtual worlds. Artists can expand creativity to interactive and immersion



Vickie Nauman, Founder/CEO, CrossBorderWorks

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Music & Tech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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