The Power of Play: Why to Think Like a Child
Forbes 30-under-30 Stephan Schenk created one of the most well known children's brands in Germany. However, when it came to expanding into the US, rather than studying the US adult buyer, insight into the child help Stefan and Kettle understand how to market and position the brand for the US success. From developing the product to positioning it for expansion, Stephan and Brian share how embracing their inner children, decoding the art of play and looking for insight in untraditional ways helped them build a brand positioning and road forward for Stapstein’s US expansion.
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Other Resources / Information
- Thinking like a child: What we as creative thinkers can learn by acting, thinking and playing like children.
- Looking beyond the target audience: In the children’s product space, everybody targets the parent buyer, but insight into the child user and power of
- Matching Methodologies: How the strategy used to inform product design influences the strategies used for positioning and marketing it.
- Brian Austin, Group Director of Strategy, Kettle
- Stephan Schenk, Founder, Stapelstein
Scott Leighton, Director of Growth, Kettle
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