SXSW 2025

From Impulse to Prosperity—Commerce with a Wellness Makeover


With the Fed’s own study, among others, citing how financial products considered normative are “widening existing disparities”, what ensures the path-to-goal fulfillment is enabled by financial wellness, rather than the slippery slope of impulse/regret? With record-high debt & AI+optimization feeding (over)spending, what powers human/financial literacy?
Join a first-hand view on harnessing technology for a future of prosperity that is fairer to us all, as both buyers and sellers: Discover new vistas for a more sustainable foundation of retail commerce unifying goal fulfillment with wellness.

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  1. At a time when the pursuit of shiny is oft divorced from financial wellness, what are experiences that align the best interests of buyers and sellers?
  2. How can goals that matter most become affordable, memorable, and debt-free, especially when the financial health of so many are in critical condition?
  3. With increased optimization and AI feeding impulses to overspend, what empowers human intelligence/financial literacy to make better buying decisions?


  • Om Kundu, Founder/CEO + Board-member, SaveAway®


Om Kundu, Founder/CEO + Board-member, SaveAway®

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Short Form
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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