SXSW 2025

The Quest to Capture Carbon and Bend the Curve


Carbon dioxide levels have been rising since the burning of fossil fuels began during the Industrial Revolution. This greenhouse gas is raising temperatures around the planet, altering the chemistry of our oceans, and destabilizing climate. New technologies are emerging to capture carbon and invent sustainable solutions to prevent worst-case scenarios. This panel will look at how scientists track carbon dioxide, the development of new tools designed to ‘bend the curve’ towards a more sustainable future, and the curiosity and collective action needed to get us there.

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  1. How scientists measure carbon dioxide, how they track the source of emissions, and what it will take to see a bend in the Keeling Curve record of CO2.
  2. The cutting-edge technologies in development that aim to capture and sequester carbon to create sustainable solutions
  3. How optimism and curiosity can inspire people who care about the future of our planet to take action towards a more sustainable future



Lauren Fimbres Wood, Director of Strategic Communications, Scripps Institution of Oceangraphy, UC San Diego

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Climate & Sustainability
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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