SXSW 2025

AI & Tech: Taking Healthcare and Medical Education Further


Imagine a mother arriving at an ER in the Amazon, her child exhibiting severe changes in vital signs. A newly graduated doctor suspects food poisoning. With no internet, books or colleagues available, she turns to an offline clinical decision support app on her phone and finds a treatment plan, successfully saving the child's life.
In vast countries, physicians often face complex cases without specialist support. Tech & AI support can address this. This session explores AI & simulation in medical education and point-of-care decision support, offering insights from academia and daily practice.

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  1. Technologies like AI are allies in transforming healthcare in large countries, allowing better diagnostics, improving the doctor-patient relationship
  2. Standardization and Enhancement of Medical Training: Simulation techniques using AI enable the standardization of medical education
  3. Democratizing Quality Education Beyond Urban Centers: In countries like Brazil and US, there is a growing need to train doctors outside urban areas


  • Daniel Scalli Fonseca, Director of Data, Afya
  • Elizabeth Boudreau, Vertical Lead, Health and Human Services, AWS
  • José Roberto Generoso Jr., Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati


Daniel Scalli Fonseca, Director of Data & AI, Afya

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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