Want to Innovate? Let's Talk About AUTHENTIC Co-Design
This hands-on workshop will highlight the difference between traditional R&D and the co-designing with students, teachers, and caregivers to generate equitable and impactful products and services. The workshop will give participants the tools needed to understand when and how to incorporate creative, action oriented co-design approaches in their work. Participants will learn about factors that can hinder or accelerate co-design and leave with a clear checklist that can kickstart their co-design practice for effective and innovative outcomes.
Additional Supporting Materials
- How co-design differs from traditional research methods and how it can lead to more equitable, impactful and innovative products and services.
- How to see, understand and dismantle power dynamics in co-design with students, teachers and caregivers.
- How to design creative and action-oriented co-design sessions from warm-up, ideation, to wrap-up, ensuring productive and inclusive collaboration.
- SL Rao, VP, Design Research + Strategy, Optimistic Design
- Cindy Pineda, Director of Pathways,
- Sam Gil-Vargas, Senior Design Researcher, Optimistic Design
SL Rao, VP, Design Research & Strategy, Optimistic Design
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