SXSW 2025

Openness Under Pressure—Navigating the Future of Open Access


In a world where artificial intelligence and other socio-technical forces are rapidly advancing, the principles of openness and free access to information and resources are increasingly under threat. This panel brings together leading voices from the open Internet, open data, open-source, and other open-access communities to discuss the future of openness across various fields.

Other Resources / Information

Creative Commons website:
Internet Infrastructure Coalition website:
Wikimedia Enterprise website:
"How to Open Source" book website:


  1. Attendees will explore how maintaining an open-access infrastructure can drive innovation, ensure fairness, & democratize technology and knowledge.
  2. Insights into the collaborative frameworks defining open access today, as well as the legal, economic, & regulatory challenges these frameworks face.
  3. How can open remain a moral force in today's market? Strategies for fostering access, equity, & inclusion in an era of rapid technological change.



Lane Becker, President, The Wikimedia Foundation

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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