Translating Research to Action: Creating Texas-Sized Impact


Research universities offer promising solutions to our most persistent educational challenges. There’s just one problem: those ideas rarely make it to the educators, policymakers and families who need them most. In Texas, a statewide community of researchers, practitioners, and policy advocates have come together to bridge that gap and make a Texas-sized impact. Learn how these diverse constituencies are building common knowledge and common cause around barriers to student success, and are engaging community partners and policy advocates with research that is easy to find, understand and use.

Related Media


  1. How to build shared knowledge and consensus for action across research, practice, and policy.
  2. How to make research relevant, accessible and actionable for practitioners, policy makers, and other decision-makers necessary for change
  3. How to build a statewide networked-community to accelerate impact on students locally through school systems and at scale through policy advocacy.



Carolyn Landel, RP3 Director, The University of Texas at Austin

Meta Information:

  • Tags: community impact, partnerships
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Policy & Advocacy
  • Session Focus Area Convergence
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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