Capacity, Care & Community for Educators


“We are a community of possibilities, not a community of problems.” This quote from author Peter Block encapsulates the hope that many in the K-12 education space possess after several challenging years for teachers, principals, and most of all, students. During this panel discussion, leaders from Western Governors University and school districts will take a deep dive into an approach that prioritizes solutions, creativity, and forward-thinking when it comes to the well-being of our nation’s teachers and school administrators, and how they can work together to execute these solutions.

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  1. Explore the idea of “what you focus on is what grows,” and learn tips on how to build capacity to avoid focusing on burnout.
  2. Learn how education preparation providers build well-being into the curriculum so tomorrow’s teachers can bring these elements into the classroom.
  3. Gain insights from school administrators on how leaders foster an environment where creativity, collaboration, and growth are prioritized.



Matt Griffin, Sr. Manager, Conferences & Events, Western Governors University

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