SXSW 2025

Farm to Future: The Role of Climate-Smart Agriculture


Today’s food system lies at the intersection of some of the world’s biggest environmental challenges, from soil degradation, to freshwater consumption, to biodiversity loss and deforestation, and climate change. With a growing population and the convergence of these polycrises, lies a unique opportunity and responsibility. Through the lens of food and beverage products and retail, this session will explore the integration and scaling of regenerative and other forms of climate-smart agriculture - and the impact of these practices on our people, planet, and profit.

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  1. Understanding the purpose and practices of holistic, integrated forms of food production such as climate-smart agriculture, including regenerative.
  2. Demonstrating successful practices through case studies that improved soil health, increased biodiversity, and sequestered carbon.
  3. Imagining a regenerative future with steps to scale regenerative and climate-smart agriculture practices across the food system and other industries.



Ruby Neff, Coordinator, cred

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Food
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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