Strategies for Community Engagement: A Playful Learning Pers


Playful Learning Landscapes is based on a robust community engagement and co-design model. Using a variety of playful activities creates an inherently playful learning experience for children and families while also identifying important cultural values, community interests, and spaces where children and families gather. These community engagement and co-design strategies can be used by designers and adapted for schools, community-based organizations and others who are interested in creating programs and activities that are as unique as they communities they serve. Come play with us!

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  1. Participants will engage in a variety of playful community engagement and co-design games.
  2. Participants will understand the principles that support each community engagement strategy.
  3. Participants will learn how to sort and synthesize information gathered during the community engagement process.



Sarah Lytle, Executive Director, Playful Learning Landscapes Action Network (PLLAN)

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