SXSW 2025

A Day Late and a Dollar Short: Regulators vs. Political Ads


Since Barack Obama's unprecedented use of the internet to power his 2008 campaign, the shift towards digital media in political advertising has been stark – with an estimated $4B to be spent in the 2024 election cycle. Unfortunately, government regulators have not updated disclosure requirements to meet this new normal – exposing tremendous vulnerabilities to the American electoral system, especially in an era of nearly unlimited money in campaigns. With advancements in AI and other AdTech sure to change political campaigns forever, it remains to be seen whether regulators can keep up.

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  1. Government regulations have not evolved to address the complexities of modern digital advertising and this has created significant vulnerabilities.
  2. The ongoing advancements in AI and AdTech are likely to further transform political campaigns, making it even harder to track the influence of ads.
  3. There is a pressing need for updated regulatory frameworks that can keep pace with technological advancements to ensure transparency in political ads.


  • Tyler Goldberg, Director, Political Strategy, Assembly
  • Sara Fischer, Media Reporter, Axios
  • MacKenzie Pino, Director of Politics and Advocacy, MiQ


Tyler Goldberg, Political Strategy, Assembly Global

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Government & Civic Engagement
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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