Building & Broadening the Education R&D Enterprise


Traditional education research and development is dominated by the most privileged institutions with outsized access to R&D capital and opportunities. Often, their research agendas are not informed by the needs of students, educators, or their communities. To make education R&D more effective, we must expand the array of who gets R&D funding, as well as grow a more diverse pipeline of R&D professionals. Join this session to learn policy solutions for incorporating a broader range of communities’ assets, needs, and perspectives in the education R&D process.

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  1. Learn why Historically Black Colleges & Universities and other minority serving institutions are critical for a diverse education R&D workforce.
  2. Explore the gaps between the vision for a more inclusive education R&D enterprise and the status quo, and the barriers that stand in the way.
  3. Leave with tangible policy solutions for strengthening the role of HBCUs and other minority serving institutions in education R&D.



Tasha Hensley, Policy Director, The Learning Agency

Meta Information:

  • Tags: diversity & inclusion, funding
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Policy & Advocacy
  • Session Focus Area Higher Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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