SXSW 2025

Women in AI: Pioneers, Challenges and the Path Forward


Join Amy Brown, founder and CEO of Authenticx, and Heather Shoemaker, founder and CEO of Language I/O, as they share their unique journeys as female AI founders. This insightful discussion will cover their personal experiences, the biases they faced, their perspectives on mitigating the inherent biases in the tech itself, and their innovative approaches to building successful AI companies. Gain valuable perspectives on how to foster diversity in AI, overcome industry challenges, and drive impactful change in the tech world. The session will be moderated by Lindsey Groepper, PANBlast EVP.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Understand the specific challenges and biases faced by women in AI and strategies to overcome them.
  2. Discover actionable steps to mitigate bias in AI, both in the industry at large and in the outputs of the tech.
  3. Learn how non-traditional backgrounds can contribute to successful AI leadership and innovation.


  • Amy Brown, Founder & CEO, Authenticx
  • Heather Shoemaker, Founder & CEO, Language I/O
  • Lindsey Groepper, EVP of business development & marketing, PANBlast


Emylee Eyler, Account Supervisor, PANBlast

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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