Data-Driven Equity: R&D Platforms for Math Learning


The math classroom is essential in developing foundational skills for career readiness and understanding the world. But, for many students, the subject can feel complicated and inaccessible. Join this session to learn how innovators are harnessing robust new research platforms built for learning outcomes, alongside innovative research and development partnerships, to foster student learning, motivation, engagement, and persistence. Find out how these advancements are generating a more equity-centered math experience that invites all learners to connect to and master math.

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  1. Gain a deeper understanding of innovative research and edtech tools that are creating a more equity-centered math experience.
  2. Learn how innovators are leveraging research platforms and partnerships to enhance non-academic indicators of success, like motivation and engagement.
  3. Explore the future of innovation to enhance equity in R&D while boosting students’ math learning outcomes and overall achievement.



Jules King, Program Manager, The Learning Agency

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, data
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Future of Tech
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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