AI-Powered PD: Enhancing Teaching, Ensuring Equity


Everyone is talking about how students are using the latest in AI-driven edtech tools – but what about their teachers? Teachers have long said that professional development hasn’t provided the support they need, but AI might present a new path forward that creates rich learning experiences and equitable access to quality support. Join this conversation to learn about the untapped potential of AI to revolutionize teacher professional development, creating opportunities that both enhance instructional outcomes and ensure equity for students and educators.

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  1. Examine how AI can be leveraged to make the most of professional development, creating better student outcomes and increasing educator support.
  2. Explore AI’s unique ability to tailor recommendations and professional development opportunities to teachers' specific challenges.
  3. Understand current players developing AI-driven professional development and how educational leaders use these tools to bolster teacher support.



Lizzie Jones, Program Director, The Learning Agency

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, professional development
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Conversation
  • Track: Leadership for Tomorrow
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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