Accelerating Literacy: NYC’s High-Impact Tutoring Model


Delve into New York City’s groundbreaking public-private partnership designed to deliver high-impact tutoring to over 50,000 students, enhancing individualized education and accelerating learning. This panel discussion will showcase how education leaders, community partners, teachers, and philanthropic organizations collaborate to support, elevate, measure, and sustain effective tutoring citywide. Attendees will gain insights into the essential elements of high-impact tutoring, the role of blended philanthropy, and practical strategies to replicate this successful model in their communities.

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  1. Discover strategies to scale high-impact tutoring through community and cross-sector partnerships.
  2. Learn how blended philanthropy can drive sustainable education initiatives.
  3. Acquire practical tools and best practices for implementing effective high-impact tutoring.



Saskia Traill, President & CEO, ExpandED Schools

Meta Information:

  • Tags: partnerships, implementation
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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