Innovative Partnerships for Adult Learner Success


This panel discussion highlights innovative approaches and lessons learned in serving adult learners of color through partnerships from the perspective of grantmakers, institutional liaisons, learning partners, and the lived experience of a former adult learner. We spotlight the internal and external partnerships institutions can form to motivate cultural, structural, and programmatic change to better serve adult learners of color at outreach, enrollment, and degree completion. The panel concludes with actionable insights for funders, institutions, and potential community partners.

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  1. Institutions will have actionable steps to fully understand their adult learners to better leverage their strengths and support their needs.
  2. Grantmakers will have insight into how to leverage funds for the successful development of partnerships to serve adult learners of color.
  3. Institutions and community organizations will understand how to form meaningful partnerships to support adult learners from urban communities.



Joyce Kim, Research Analyst, Mathematica

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