Outside the Box Incentives for Recruiting Rural Teachers


With lush landscapes and roaring rivers, life in West Virginia is far from mundane. Our program integrates best practices from a successful remote worker program and teacher corps throughout the country to create a sense of purpose, community and outdoor adventure. The result is a work-life balance that attracts teachers and supports them on their professional journeys. Education leaders and state and local policymakers are invited to join us for a frank conversation about the successes and challenges of such a bold approach to addressing the rural teacher shortage.

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  1. Rural teacher recruitment requires a place-based approach that leverages a community’s assets.
  2. We must elevate the teaching profession. Districts need to think outside the box, and beyond salary, to benefits that are appealing to teachers.
  3. Addressing the teacher shortage will require multiple approaches including out of state recruitment, Grow Your Own programs and traditional pathways.



Canyon Lohnas, Program Specialist, West Virginia University

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