SXSW 2025

Behind the Scene of the World’s Biggest Carnival – How It’s


Present to the public how the biggest carnival in the world is held, from all aspects. Logistical complexity, size of the party where more than 10 million people participate, more than 2,700 hours of music. Cultural diversity. Investment attraction formats. The gigantic public service infrastructure. The technology involved. Aspects related to branding, marketing, music, brand activation, sponsorship. The planning and, above all, governance structure for holding the event.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Knowing all the logistical complexity involved in holding this event can be very useful for professionals.
  2. Know the financing model to guarantee the event. How to attract brands to invest in the event
  3. Discover what makes this party the biggest carnival in the world and because it attracts thousands of people



Isaac Edington, President, Saltur

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Creator Economy
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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