SXSW 2025

Navigating Ethical Boundaries in Advertising


Does the advertising industry's long history with controversial brands do more harm than good to society, people, and the planet? From tobacco or firearms, this conversation has recently aimed at fossil fuel brands and the agencies that choose to work with them. The drumbeat of criticism is loud: the UN Secretary General called for a ban on fossil fuel advertising, and advertisers are being called out for working with these firms. While business, and the advertising industry, move towards embracing sustainability and social impact, can we ethically work adjacent to controversy?

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  1. What drives advertisers, or other companies, to work in controversial spaces?
  2. What do brands do to understand and mitigate negative impact? Are they doing enough?
  3. How can brands and advertisers create positive change in these controversial spaces? Can we create change within the system, as well as outside of it?


  • Pooja Dindigal, Global Head of Impact, DEPT®


Pooja Dindigal, Global Head of Impact, DEPT®

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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