Building a Pro-Indigenous & Pro-Black Preschool


What would it look like if we built a preschool that was Pro-Indigenous and Pro-Black? A place where our voices, our peace, our humanity wouldn't have to be sought after because it's already uplifted. A place where our minds, bodies, and souls can be at ease. A place where our dreams doesn't shrivel up like a raisin in the sun. In this session, we'll converse on what our schools could do (and stop doing) in order to remember life before colonization for our BIPOC children. Afterall, Black liberation and Indigenous sovereignty doesn't just have to be a poster on your can be a reality.

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Other Resources / Information

Napcast (podcast) Ep49 - Building a Pro-Indigenous and Pro-Black School and Curriculum -


  1. Reclaim liberation, play, and joy as our birthright as BIPOCs - Black, Indigenous, People of Color
  2. Dismantle the white settler colonial structure of education and build power for all people oppressed by its ideology
  3. Challenge anti-Black & anti-Indigenous systems, processes, policies, & practices in early childhood education & (re)center it with land-based pedagogy



Michael Browne, Sr. Director of Community Engagement, Cultivate Learning

Meta Information:

  • Tags: school design, social justice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Conversation
  • Track: Equity & Justice
  • Session Focus Area Early Learning
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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