SXSW 2025
Can we take a snapshot of the psychedelic mindset with VR?
While intangible knowledge contained within psychedelics is gradually rediscovered for healing, the interface by which humanity interacts with it remains unexplored. As an Australian research team, we are at the forefront of building infrastructures for an effective inclusion of psychedelics into the medical system. In doing so, we dared to challenge the status quo of targeting symptomatic changes and instead used this new paradigm to detangle the medical realm at large. This talk will reveal how pursuing the path less travelled let to an accidental development of a digital telepathy prototype
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- Counterintuitively, the old-world wisdom contained within psychedelics and the emerging new world tech share parallels that remain overlooked.
- The most powerful way in which psychedelics can benefit us is by revealing that targeting symptoms is the least effective way of creating true health.
- Attendees will be the first to experience a smart combination of immersive tech and psychedelics that reveals and freezes in time our deepest layers.
- Agnieszka Sekula, Scientist, Co-Founder, Enosis Therapeutics, Swinburne University of Technology
Agnieszka Sekula, Scientist, Co-founder, Enosis Therapeutics, Swinburne University of Technology
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