Navigating mental health when calamity is our new ordinary
Youth and young adults navigate “historically unprecedented circumstances” on the daily. In other words, calamity is our new ordinary. This youth-led panel will examine youth attitudes towards government, healthcare, and education and how declining trust may impact proclivity to both perceived needs and engage with care delivered by these institutions. In championing our lived-experience led initiatives, our panelists will share best practices for authentic youth empowerment that enables institutions to both capture and act upon the breadth of our realities.
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- How to distribute school-based mental health services when during times of crisis, young people turn to communities, not institutions, for support.
- How to view mental health through a social justice & collectivist lens and bridge policy ideation/implementation and youth lived experiences.
- How to support experience-based initiatives champion cultural competency, bidirectionality, and the multidimensionality of mental health issues.
- Saanvi Arora, Executive Director, Youth Power Project
- José Caballero, Researcher, Columbia University
- Ernesto (Isaac) Lara, Research Assistant, Mental Health for All Lab at Harvard Medical School
- Adia Fadaei, Advisor, National Alliance on Mental Illness
Saanvi Arora, Executive Director, Youth Power Project
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