How Youth Use GenAI: Time to Rethink Plagiarism


Everything we hear about GenAI comes from adults – but the students are the real experts. Dr. Elliott Hedman (helped design i-Ready and digital Wonders) spent the last 12 months interviewing students and their teachers about how they use AI with a special focus on kids who went through the Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver.
Dr. Hedman will take you through the process of how around 60-85% of students are using ChatGPT to write their essays and how teachers need to transform expectations to promote learning and self-efficacy.

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  1. Have students use free digital tools to showcase their original work- e.g. Where I copy and pasted, time I thought on each sentence, ect.
  2. Celebrate copying and citations rather than punish it. Using ChatGPT as a resource is a sign of higher learning, essential for students careers.
  3. Set clear expectations. It takes effort to teach WHY a student is doing an assignment, but self-eficacy is essential to engage students.


  • Elliott Hedman, Customer Obsession Engineer, mPath


Elliott Hedman, Customer Obsession Engineer, mPath

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