From Housing to Edu: How Festivals Drive Equity & Innovation


Explore how learning festivals drive equity and innovation with Remake Learning Days and the Weekender. These festivals are redefining what it means to create inclusive communities. Remake Learning Days offers families and youth hundreds of innovative, hands-on activities at libraries, schools, tech centers, and play spaces, while the Weekender uses music to connect and empower communities experiencing housing insecurity. With insights from the festival organizers, we'll discuss co-designing festivals with students and community members, recruiting cross-sector partners, and measuring impact.

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  1. Involving students, families, and community members in festival design is an equitable approach that builds trust and support for festivals.
  2. Governments, local businesses, schools, libraries, and museums can be excellent partners in learning festivals.
  3. Through common and uncommon impact measures, organizers are seeing closer-knit communities, increased engagement and stronger learning ecosystems.



Lauren Ziegler, Education Advisor, HundrED

Meta Information:

  • Tags: community impact, partnerships
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area Convergence
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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