Funding Youth Mental Health: A Cross-Sector Approach


Mental health, education, economic mobility, the future of democracy — these issue areas are intricately intertwined. Making an impact on young people’s well-being requires a cross-cutting, cross-sector approach. After a deep dive into the landscape of youth mental health and interconnected issue areas, we will explore how funders can build an ecosystem for impact at scale, and drive research and development, innovative cross-sector solutions, and policy change in this complex landscape. Join us to learn about comprehensive and collaborative strategies to invest in youth well-being.

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  1. Learn about diverse funding approaches to support youth mental health effectively.
  2. Discover how cross-sector collaboration can amplify efforts to improve youth mental health outcomes.
  3. Understand the role of philanthropy in shaping policies and advocating for increased support for youth mental health initiatives.



Ellie Rogalinski, Account Executive, McPherson Strategies

Meta Information:

  • Tags: funding, mental health
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Health & Wellbeing
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Field Experience

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