SXSW 2025

Innovating Aging: Health & Medtech Redefining Elder Care


Unleash the active you! This session explores how amazing new health and tech are transforming senior living. Think telehealth, robots, and smart homes – all designed to help you stay independent and thriving! Join us for inspiring success stories, caregiver support tips, and a glimpse into the exciting future of senior living. Imagine all the possibilities – more independence, dignity, and a whole new chapter filled with potential! Let's redefine aging together!

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Health and Medtech are Revolutionizing Senior Living : Health & Tech innovations empower seniors to thrive!
  2. Live Life to the Fullest: Stay independent & in control with future-proof care.
  3. Redefine Your Golden Years: Embrace possibility to unlock a whole new chapter!


  • Mukta Singh, Data & AI Leadership | Product and Strategy Consulting, Intelexa
  • Shilpi Mittal, Medical director at CUMC, Care United


Mukta Singh, Data and AI Consultant, Intelexa AI

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Fireside Chat
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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