Industry-Aligned K-12 Pathways & the STEM Jobs of Tomorrow


The STEM sector is advancing at warp speed with emerging new roles and continually-evolving required skill sets. Education leaders and employers are leveraging innovative approaches to reimagine K-12 learning and pave the way to greater career success. Whether it’s rethinking graduation standards to include career-connected learning, using cutting-edge methods to capture 21st-century skillbuilding, or creating programs for experiential learning, find out how stakeholders are creating a career-focused, competency-based education system that equips learners for the STEM workforce of tomorrow.

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  1. Understand innovative techniques to foster 21st-century skills that keep up with the rapidly-evolving STEM sector.
  2. Gain insight into the programs being funded and used by educational institutions and organizations to prepare students for the jobs of the future.
  3. Learn about the importance of partnerships to create a seamless transition from the K-12 classroom to the careers of tomorrow.



Lizzie Jones, Program Director, The Learning Agency

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