It Takes a Village: Preparing Teachers for the Age of AI
For K-12 students to thrive in the age of AI, their teachers must be prepared to teach computing and digital literacy. The City University of New York (CUNY) prepares about 1500 of the new teachers hired at New York City Public Schools annually. Discover how CUNY’s multi-tiered, multi-sector approach is transforming teacher training to integrate computing and digital literacies. During an interactive panel with faculty, teacher candidates, and nonprofit partners, participants will hear examples and learn strategies to support professional learning and effective classroom implementation.
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Other Resources / Information
- Proven Approaches: Learn multi-tiered strategies for integrating computing and digital literacies in teacher preparation and professional development.
- Real Experiences: Gain insights from educators' and students' experiences implementing computational thinking in teacher education classrooms.
- Interactive Learning: Participate in a panel-led activity to develop actionable strategies for your own educational context.
- Lianne Remen, Program Officer, Computational Thinking and Learning, Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund
- Xin Bai, Professor of Educational Technology, York College - City University of New York
- Graciela Maradiaga, Teacher Candidate and Maker Space Scholar, York College
- Anthony Negron, Director of Digital Programming, New York Hall of Science
Sara Vogel, Research Director, City University of New York
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