Strengthening Culture-Based Education in Standing Rock
Through the Standing Rock Strengthening Culture-Based Education Partnership, educators, researchers, and higher education staff are transforming math instruction for Native students in Standing Rock. The team is creating and implementing culturally relevant, project-based elementary math modules to boost student engagement and success. Focused on Indigenous food/crafts, these co-designed modules integrate lived experience and cultural heritage into learning. Professional development supports help Standing Rock teachers confidently work to increase student interest and achievement in math.
Related Media
- The Standing Rock partnership is working to transform math instruction via culturally relevant, project-based modules to engage Native students.
- The math modules integrate Indigenous food and crafts, leveraging cultural heritage and lived experiences to boost student engagement and success.
- Professional development empowers Standing Rock teachers to implement the modules to foster student interest and achievement in math.
- Sunshine Carlow, Indigenous Leadership Instructor, United Tribes Technical College
- Chris Fried, Dean of Teacher Education, Sitting Bull College
- Kathleen Feeney, Sr. Survey Researcher, Mathematica
Kirsten Miller, Sr. Communications Manager, Mathematica
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