SXSW 2025

Future Shock Therapy: Revolutionizing How We Measure Minds


What if learning wasn’t something that ended after high school or college? What if culture positioned education as an always-on pursuit? For centuries, we've trapped human potential in one-dimensional metrics—numbers, tests, and static assessments. But in an unpredictable world where tomorrow's jobs and industries are anyone's guess, how do we prepare for the unknown? The answer: future readiness; a revolution in how we identify and nurture talent. This panel smashes old models and embraces a lifelong learning approach, ensuring every individual's potential is recognized and cultivated.

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  1. Dive into a groundbreaking era where assessments evolve with you, transcending traditional test scores to a holistic journey of human development.
  2. Gain insights into radical changes in educational and organizational strategies that are setting the stage for a future-ready world.
  3. Uncover innovative measurement techniques nurture human potential, from early education through lifelong learning, making every step count.


  • Craig Elimeliah, Chief Creative Officer, Code and Theory
  • Chris Duffey, Strategic Development, Emerging Solutions, Adobe
  • Michelle Froah, Global Chief Marketing and Innovation Officer, ETS


Kenneth Hein, Chief Communications Officer, Code and Theory

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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