SXSW 2025

Fostering Equitable and Inclusive PD through play


Did you know play makes life better? What if I told you a playful mindset could foster an equitable and inclusive working environment, leading to more inclusive product development, which translates into better products and higher revenue?

Drawing from 20+ years of experience in interactive products, games, and toys, Carlos will engage participants in a hands-on game. Through play, they will discover how a simple game can transform how we engage people, drive innovation, and foster a culture of empathy and creativity.

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  1. Games push us to be present in the moment
  2. Playing games help us embrace failure
  3. Games flatten hierarchies and gives everyone a valued voice


  • Carlos Dominguez, Sr Director of Innovation, DEPT


Carlos Dominguez, Sr Director of Innovation, DEPT

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Short Form
  • Track: DEIB
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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