PD is Failing Teachers & Students: Use TAPE to Fix It!


Professional development often misses the mark. As highlighted in the TNTP study "The Mirage," despite significant investments, PD often doesn't lead to improved teacher performance. Join us to discover how through an inquiry-based, anti-racist, and inclusive framework we call TAPE, you can defy this trend. With a keen focus on teachers and students representing traditionally marginalized identities, come learn from our success and challenges developing PD for bilingual/EL educators, and walk away with an action plan for a PD that can move the needle for your educators and students.

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  1. Learn how to design impactful PD that addresses the shortcomings identified in the TNTP study "The Mirage."
  2. Discover strategies for implementing inquiry-based, anti-racist educational practices.
  3. Understand the measurable impact of effective PD on teacher performance and student outcomes.



Jennifer Kouakeu, Coach & Facilitator, Instituto Mundo Verde

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