The Stories That Aren’t Told


The way history tells the story of STEM will impact the leaders of tomorrow, especially about who belongs. In this panel, STEM leaders, educators, and professionals will discuss how learning about the contributions of Black, Latina, and Indigenous communities has affected their personal lineage in the industry.

“Our Hidden Stories challenge Stock Stories and our Resistance Stories tell about a world we are creating together, imagining new possibilities and new futures. As participants we focus on STEM--Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math as a powerful way to change the world.”

Other Resources / Information


  1. Learn how to recognize Stock, Hidden, and Resistance stories in the world of STEM.
  2. Learn how to trace their own STEM lineage.
  3. Tools and strategies to cultivate the next generation of STEM students and leaders.



Crystal Beasley, Director of Marketing and Communications, Techbridge Girls

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